05 July 2015

3rd Quarter Goals 2015

1: {JULY GOAL} Make a quilt top out of these shirts
using this tutorial to donate to this charity. 
To be eligible for the FAL I have to have it all done and quilted, but my goal for July is just to get the top made. 

2: Irish Chain Quilt, quilt it.

3: Make yarn from these alpaca batts.

4: Prove that I have what it takes to be a part of the SMS Online Sewing Match.
I didn't prove it before this round but maybe in a couple years when they have another round, I can be ready.

5: Unicorn Sh*t yarn. Card these and spin them.

6: Hoop!

7: Hoop! 

Unofficial: MENDING PILE! It's bigger than this now. So is that kitten in the doorway.

Linking up!
2015 FAL at On the Windy Side


  1. Anonymous13 July, 2015

    Sorry to be anonymous. I don't know how else to comment. Please read the quilt of valor requirements. They don't want quilts made from shirts or any other "used" fabric. Try a Fisher House in your area.

    1. Oh! I didn't know that! I also didn't see that the quilt in Q happens to be not quilt large enough. Thanks for that information!
